Catching Up Via Captions

Hills and dales and forests, oh my. Trees that created cathedrals with moss-covered rock walls lining the center aisle. Stunning two days of rugged walking.

See what I mean?

And here’s Donna’s video in the morning cloud.
A walk in a cloud 

We eventually walked up up and above the clouds!

Yuna the Camino Dog.


Our quaint room in a renovated farmhouse.


Terri “hearts “ the Camino.

Remember Kojak of the Camino? We’ll, here’s the Caballeros of the Camino.

And click Donna’s video here:

Camino Civic Guard on Horseback


The obligatory pose/snuggle with St. James.


8 Replies to “Catching Up Via Captions”

  1. Everything is so beautiful. I am sorry but there was nowhere to click for the video. At least I couldn’t find it. I kind of think this bedroom is one of the cutest ones yet!

    Love mom

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