Day 6: Easy Peasey 17K Camino de Santiago Portuguese Coastal Route

From a converted convent in Aguarda, Spain we walked along the coast for most of the day–cutting a long segment of 31 kilometers in half. Yes, it rained, but after what we are now calling Hell Day of 92 degrees, we welcome the rain and clouds over extreme heat and heights.

From our “balcony” at the convent hotel, we aired our shoes and socks. The scallop shell on my pack is the symbol that we are “peregrines” (pilgrims) on the way to Santiago. The silver chain you see was hand made by Donna as our version of a rosary to remind us to pray for friends and family along the way.

The coastal route is special because we get to be on rugged coastline, quaint hillside villages (cobblestones, ugh), and forest, usually in one day.  We do have to spend time along the roads now and then–our least favorite environment. Loud, a bit more nerve racking and despite the smooth walking surface, it definitely changes the mood.

My favorite way to stretch my quads.

Instead of walking to Baiona, Spain, we stopped in Oia, a tiny village with a monestery, a few restaurants, an 8-room B&B and a hotel. We had a room reserved in the B&B.

Here’s a few of my pix from that walk.

Lush vegetation and scrumptous scents are delightful. (So is the 10 second timer on the iPhone.)
On approach into the village of Oia.
The Oia Monestery (16th century) in the distance. Not shown: surfers catching great waves outside the bay.

Our B&B was called Casa Puertas. Eight rooms total.

Casa Puertas, Oia, Spain.

Wait. That was then. This is now.

Best. Place. Ever.
Room with a view. And ocean breezes.

We met six other peregrinos over dinner from Manitoba, Canada; Germany, Australia and Bend, Oregon.

Day 7, Sunday, will be a tich longer, including steep accents over what I call two mountains. And some projected rain.


One Reply to “Day 6: Easy Peasey 17K Camino de Santiago Portuguese Coastal Route”

  1. Looks like you are having a great time. You two are really amazing to take this kind of trip on. Sorry I missed your call.


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