More of the same, but a great destination
We realized as we were close to walking into our last night before the big city of Leon that neither one of us had taken many pictures. It was pretty much the same as the last few days on the Meseta. Crops, tree lined path along the road (for which are always grateful—shade).

As we walk, especially in the long stretches of sameness, one or the other of us will see something and point it out as “interesting.” We’ve seen plenty of these thistle-like plants growing along the Camino, but for some reason, this morning I stopped and said, “Oh, look. It’s Father, Son and Holy Ghost watching over Donna and Terri down below.

Into town and perhaps our sweetest lodging so far.
Our itinerary said that we are staying at Alberquiera del Camino. We specifically asked this time that we not stay too far of the Camino itself. (Last time on the Portuguese Coastal Route, we sometimes had to walk 3+ kilometers to our hotel. Trust me, every little bit matters.)
So the walking notes said that we were a mere 110 meters off the Camino itself. But we were both a little concerned about the name of the lodging. Alberques don’t always have private rooms with baths, but we knew we had paid for just such a reservation.
“OK, so maybe we are going to be in an alberque, but we’ll have our own room,” I suggested to Donna.
“What does -iera on the end mean?” Donna asked. “It sounds to me like we’re staying in a cafeteria.”
Far, far from it.
This family run hotel was absolutely charming and over-the-top decorated with antique farm implements. The wood floors creaked, and to top it all off, we had a ceiling fan in our room.

Tomorrow we walk into Leon…Day 9 and then Day OFF!
You gals rock! I love reading your daily blog and look forward to hearing about each day’s adventures. Love seeing the pictures. I’m so envious of the courage you both have to take on such an endeavor. God bless you as you continue your camino!